Dean Clancy, MA
Experience defined...
Dean Clancy served from 2004 to 2006 as the top White House budget official on health care and entitlements, with a portfolio encompassing half the federal budget in dollar terms. Clancy has also served as:
- Senior legislative advisor to the U.S. House Majority Leader (1995-2001)
- Senior policy advisor on the Senate staff of the Joint Economic Committee (2009-2010)
- Staff director of the President’s Council on Bioethics (2001-2004)
Clancy’s private sector experience includes successful tours as vice president of a multi-billion dollar medical device manufacturing company and vice president of the six-million member FreedomWorks, where he coordinated the national grassroot organization’s policy, legislative, and political action strategies.
Among other accomplishments, Clancy:
- Helped shepherd the historic Welfare Reform Act into law (1996)
- Helped initiate the historic King v. Burwell Supreme Court challenge to Obamacare (2014)
- Was a principal author of the (enacted) federal Homeschool Freedom Amendment (1994)
- Authored White House OMB Memorandum M-05-13 quitely saving taxpayers billions (2005)
- Secured enactment of a bill protecting wounded seniors from a misguided CMS regulation (2008)
- Led a successful campaign to incorporate a dozen conservative and libertarian proposals into the Republican National Platform (2012)
- Co-authored memorably complex wall-diagrams of Hillarycare (1994) and Obamacare (2010)
Clancy is a vocal advocate for constitutionally limited government, patient-driven health care, and a return to sound money and fiscal common sense. He devotes himself to promoting reforms rooted in the principles of the American founding, that will make Americans’ lives freer, happier, and more prosperous. Clancy describes himself as a decentralist. “I oppose monopoly, public as well as private, and I stand for the little guy and common sense.”
Clancy is currently a partner at Adams Auld LLC, a Washington, D.C., based consultancy that helps non-profit clients advance the causes of civil rights, individual liberty, and constitutionally limited government.
A frequent commenter and opinion writer in the national press, Clancy hails from Aurora, Colorado, and is married with four children.
Clancy offers the policy expert services listed here directly or by referral, but not legal services, and can be reached by email here.
For more information about Dean Clancy, visit, or